
SN1316: Cultural Enrichment, Depopulation Exposed & Techno-Compliance ⚠️

Previous Episode: 1315: Snuffing Resistance, Disease X & Rationing Governance

Watch or Listen Below:

We’re running up on the end of the year with nothing but destabilization on the horizon. Episodes like these remind me of the wheel of fear that we’re on, and how the perfect storm is being summoned, not only on the American people, but simultaneously to the entire world. What once offered hope only begets more desperation.

The evidence of the damage of the vaccine can no longer be hidden as doctors and scientists from around the world begin to communicate and share information. The sad reality of the matter is that the pushers of these poisons still persist. Devastating revelations came out this week as well in New Zealand as a whistleblower exposed the database they have for tracking the vaccines, that roughly every 1 in 4 shots killed people.

Reality doesn’t end there. We’re being lectured by these so-called loving elites about our behaviors, and how detrimental to the Earth it’s been as they attend COP28. These delusional, senile officials are out of touch, threatening coercive military action if we don’t listen. The tyrants are beginning to take the stage and prep the space for 2024.

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